Jamboree Question of the Day - Day 114, Mar 31st 2011

Neanderthals had a vocal tract that resembled those of the apes and so were probably without language, a shortcoming that may explain why they were supplanted by our own species.

(A) Neanderthals had a vocal tract that resembled those of the apes
(B) Neanderthals had a vocal tract resembling an ape’s
(C) The vocal tracts of Neanderthals resembled an ape’s
(D) The Neanderthal’s vocal tracts resembled the apes’
(E) The vocal tracts of the Neanderthals resembled those of the apes


A) a tract  - singular; those - plural
C) The Vocal tracts cannot be the subject, since were without language cannot refer to tracts. 
D) Same as C
E) Same as C

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