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Jamboree Question of the Day - Day 152, June 22nd 2011

The ordinance is intended to force householders to separate such hazardous waste like pesticides, batteries, fertilizers, and oil-based paints from the general stream of household trash.

(A) to separate such hazardous waste like
(B) that they should separate such hazardous waste like
(C) separating such hazardous wastes as
(D) that they should separate such hazardous wastes as
(E) to separate such hazardous wastes as

Please give your answers in the comment box below. Solution will be posted on June - 24th with an explanation for the answer!

Jamboree Question of the Day - Day 150, June 18th 2011

The Olympic Games helped to keep peace among the pugnacious states of the Greek world in that a sacred truce was proclaimed during the festival’s month.

(A) world in that a sacred truce was proclaimed during the festival’s month
(B) world, proclaiming a sacred truce during the festival’s month
(C) world when they proclaimed a sacred truce for the festival month
(D) world, for a sacred truce was proclaimed during the month of the festival
(E) world by proclamation of a sacred truce that was for the month of the festival

Please give your answers in the comment box below. Solution will be posted on June - 20th with an explanation for the answer!

Jamboree Question of the Day - Day 149, June 16th 2011

The official languages are of India, Hindi, and of Pakistan, Urdu, but neither are spoken by a majority of the population.

(A) The official languages are of India, Hindi, and of Pakistan, Urdu, but neither are
(B) The official languages are of India, Hindi, and of Pakistan, Urdu, but neither is
(C) Officially, the languages are Hindi for India and for Pakistan, Urdu, but neither are
(D) The official language of India is Hindi, and that of Pakistan is Urdu, but neither is
(E) The official language of India is Hindi, and Urdu in Pakistan, but none is

Please give your answers in the comment box below. Solution will be posted on June - 18th with an explanation for the answer!

Jamboree Question of the Day - Day 148, June 14th 2011

The odds are about 4 to 1 against surviving a takeover offer, and many business consultants therefore advise that a company’s first line of defense in eluding offers like these be to even refuse to take calls from likely corporate raiders.

(A) that a company’s first line of defense in eluding offers like these be to even refuse
(B) that a company’s first line of defense in eluding such offers be to refuse even
(C) a company defending itself against offers of this kind that, as a first line of defense, they should even refuse
(D) companies which are defending themselves against such an offer that, as a first line of defense, they should even refuse
(E) that the first line of defense for a company who is eluding offers like these is the refusal even

Choice A is a meaning error in saying - 'even refuse'. Same with C and D. Choice E uses pronoun 'who' for a company that is not a human. Thus, E is wrong. B remains.

Jamboree Question of the Day - Day 142, June 2nd 2011

Is a^3 is divisible by 81, which of these could be the remainder when If a divided by 27?

I. 3
II. 9
III. 18

(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I & II only
(E) II & III only

Answer is E

Jamboree Question of the Day - Day 141, May 31st 2011

If P, S and R are three points on the number line, is R > S?

(1)Distance between P & R is thrice the distance between R & S.
(2)R is closer to P as compared to S.

Answer is B

Jamboree Question of the Day - Day 140, May 27th 2011

Trying to learn some of the basics of programming is the same as to tinker with a car when one is a teenager: some people end up going to engineering school, and others, twenty years later, remember nothing of the experience.

(A) the same as to tinker with a car when one is a teenager
(B) similar to a teenager tinkering with a car
(C) like tinkering with a car as a teenager
(D) the same as a teenager tinkering with a car
(E) like the teenager’s tinkering with a car


'Trying' an action is to be compared to another action - 'to tinker'. Choice C uses 'like' to compare actions. Thus, A is the best answer.

Jamboree Question of the Day - Day 139, May 24th 2011

Traveling the back roads of Hungary, in 1905 Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, and they were armed only with an Edison phonograph and insatiable curiosity.

(A) Traveling the back roads of Hungary, in 1905 Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, and they were armed only
(B) In 1905, Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály, traveling the back roads of Hungary, began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, and they were only armed
(C) In 1905 Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, traveling the back roads of Hungary armed only
(D) Having traveled the back roads of Hungary, in 1905 Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology; they were only armed
(E) Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály, in 1905 began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, traveling the back roads of Hungary, arming themselves only

A) 'in 1905' is the not the subject.
B) traveling......., began pioneering. ( effect has preceded the cause)
D) the word having is not preferred.
E) traveling........., arming................ The word 'and' is missing before 'arming'.

Jamboree Question of the Day - Day 137, May 20th 2011

Today’s technology allows manufacturers to make small cars more fuel-efficient now than at any time in their production history.

(A) small cars more fuel-efficient now than at any time in their
(B) small cars that are more fuel-efficient than they were at any time in their
(C) small cars that are more fuel-efficient than those at any other time in
(D) more fuel-efficient small cars than those at any other time in their
(E) more fuel-efficient small cars now than at any time in


The correct comparison is between small cars with certain fuel efficiency to those cars in the past with lesser fuel efficiency. There is only one choice, C, that makes the correct comparison. C is the best answer.